Monday, May 4, 2020

Research in Art and Design Education

Question: Discuss about the Research in Art and Design Education. Answer: Introduction: Communication is a frequent word used by people in their daily language. More than just talking with each other regarding something, communication stands for something or greater value and deeper meaning(Quora, 2016). Communication just not only means communicating your ideas to the other people, but it also means firstly organizing your thoughts in a proper and organized way and then presenting them in front of the people either directly or indirectly, and making them aware about what you think about something and even making them understand what you mean to communicate to others and want them to infer from your presentation. Hence, communication is not just an event which happens in a sour of a moment. Communication is a process, a pretty long one, which takes place over a long period of time and requires more than one person(MacRae, 2015). A sender is a person who has to convey his thoughts to the other people. He is the one from whom the whole process of communication starts. He conveys his message to the people and wants the other people to know about his thoughts. The other person is a receiver. He is the one to whom the message is communicated to. He is the listener of the message. Message is anything, a thought, and idea or anything about which the whole communication has been initiated. There can be more than one receiver at a given period of time. In a communication modal, after the receiver gets the message from the sender, he replies back to the message, which is also known as feedback. Feedback is like the response which the receiver gives back to the sender of the message which tells what he thinks in response of the message of the sender. Hence, this communication process or modal is a never ending process and keeps on going on in circles. There are two ways on whole in which the message to the person can be communicated. It is the verbal methods or the non-verbal methods. Verbal way consists of the ways in which there is direct contact between the sender and the receiver. It consists of the ways in which there is passing of some words, comments, or any vocal or direct way which is visible to everyone around. Communicating face to face, over phone, etc. Communicating over Skype or other means of electronic media. Giving out presentation, attending meeting, attending seminars, or any other such things. Hence, any way of communication which includes exchange of words, or thoughts directly, where two people are face to face is direct way of communication. The non-verbal ways are messages, electronic mails, or any other way of communication where the people are not face to face and then also the thoughts and ideas between two people can be exchanged. It also includes transferring of messages and ideas and thoughts between printed media, through body language, or newspaper of anything. Communication is not a skill which can be adopted or learned with time but it is an art which is inherited or can also be acquired over period of time. There is no science or set method of things which can make someone learn the way how to communicate with the people. It is an art which some people have in them from the beginning, which they can brush up by learning form some people and certain tips which can improve their way of communicating with the people. No one can completely learn how to communicate with other people, it is something which can be brushed up. Communication is something which shows the character and personality of a person. A person who is able to communicate with people in an effective way, they create a certain aura around them which make people fond of them. A person, who is able to communicate his thoughts and ideas to the people and make them understand what he thinks about something, shows a good character and a personality which is confident and vocal. A person who communicates is always considered as a confident person who is liked by everyone and respected. Hence, if someone is able to communicate in an effective way to the people, he is immediately recognized and even liked and taken in a respectful light. His ideas and decisions are valued and people come to him for help and even put him forward during business presentations, or where the organization has to showcase its best talent. It is important to have good communication skills in the current competitive world. It is important to have a confident personality in todays competitive world where it is necessary to communicate your ideas to the people and make them aware what you think about something. Not only in the field of corporate world, it is important for people to have skill of communication in every sector or field or occupation to gain heights in life. Hence, because of the above reasons and other things, it is important to possess good communication skills if one wants to achieve great heights in the field of corporate work(Monytogermy, 2013). The question which arises here is that is it possible to learn the art of communication or no? Hence, the answer here is that it is possible to brush up the skills and learn certain tips which can make a person able to converse in an effective way, but to learn everything is not quite possible(Singh, 2012). If one wants to learn the art of communication and wants to portray himself as a person who can converse nicely, one ought to learn a certain things. One should be able to gain enough confidence to stand up in a group of people and put his thoughts across and make the other people know what his thoughts are all about. One should be confident enough to take a stand for his own thinking process and fight for whatever he wants is thinking(Sen, 2007). One should not shy enough to stand up and ask if he is not able to comprehend what the other person means by a certain thing and he should cross question well of he wants someone to clarify a certain point(Roy, 2013). To develop good communication habits, one should learn to be an effective listener before. Before speaking up in front of other people it(Kharu, 2009) is important to first learn to listen to other people. Listening to other people makes you an effective listener which is important at any place and then it also helps in knowing the psyche and thought process of other people and what other people think about something. If one is apprehensive in speaking in front of a large crowd, he should first try to speak and conduct a meeting among a small group of people and once he is confident that he would be able to go on in a large group, he should progress slowly. Communication also includes letters, emails and messages. In them it is important to have good hold on English language so as to convey your thoughts properly. If one wants to be a good converser, it is also important to look for the body language of oneself. Hence, communication is an art, which needs to be acquired over a period of time and should have blend of perfection together with substance. References Chaturvedi, P. (2011). Business Communication: Concepts, Cases, and Applications. Chaturvedi. (2013). Communication Skills: For Anna University - Page 113. New Delhi. Conner, C. (2014, May 15). Forbes. Retrieved April 14, 2017, from Forbes: Hickman, R. (2008.). Research in Art Design Education: Issues and Exemplars - Page 127. New York: Springer. Kharu, P. (2009). Communication Skills in English - Page 147. MacRae, D. (2015). Likedin. Retrieved April 14, 2017, from Likedin: Monytogermy, R. (2013). The Art of Public Speaking: How to Improve Communication Skills . Quora. (2016, September 5). Quora. Retrieved April 14, 2017, from Quora: Roy, S. (2013). Mastering the Art of Business Communication. London.: Cengage. Sen, L. (2007). COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Page 6. New York. Singh, o. (2012). Art of Effective Communication Ingroup Discussion and Interview. Skillsyouneed. (2014). Skillsyouneed. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from Skillsyouneed:

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