Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Managing for future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing for future - Essay Example Geely’s is the chosen brand. And the paper will try to find out the best possible ways to succeed in the future global market for the Chinese automaker; Geely’s. Introduction: Future is the unseen picture for moist of the companies. However managing the future with great strategies is the main ambition for most of the companies. In this case the futuristic marketing strategy and business plans are the primary objective of the Geely’s to sustain in the future market. The futuristic marketing and business plan is a weapon for the future competition which is the combination of many factors like price, product, place, promotion, advertising , financial policies and planning, new product development, innovation etc. In this paper the chosen MNC is the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group which knows as Geely’s. ... P, Nd). In the year of 2005 Geely Automobile holding limited got listed in the Hong Kong Stock exchange. It is one of the fastest growing car manufacturers in China. The production capacity of Geely can manufacture 400,000 cars annually (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The young company had a revenue of RMB 1.18 billion in the year of 2009 (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). Geely’s first ever overseas investment was in 2009, when it bought 23 percent share of Manganese Bronze Holdings, the car makers of the London’s black taxis (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). In 2009 the young Auto makers acquired Drivetrain System International (DSI) for about AUD $ 54.6 million (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The most prestigious overseas deal for Geely came to reality in 2010 when it taken over Swedish luxury brand Volvo from Ford and it is more amazing to know that Volvo’s revenue was almost ten times than that of the Geely (Tan. 2011 P, 153). In the p resent it has got the global presence. It has shown its strong existence in the countries like SWOT analysis: Before the starting of any business activities in the new country or in a brand new market for the future or to protect the company in the future market the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis is very important to understand the potentiality of the market. The SWOT analysis is having two factors, one is the internal factors and another one is the external factors. The internal factors are totally dependent on the company itself and the external factor comes from the market. Geely’s must do this analysis for the successful business globally. Different countries have different market factors. But, the market opportunity as well as

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Shrimp Shrimp have a very busy, but short life. In 1 ½ years, shrimp molt and grow through 7 stages. A shrimps life begins in warm, salty Gulf water as one of almost 500,000 small eggs attached to the legs of a female shrimp. A few days later, nauplius larvae hatch from the tiny eggs and float with the swift currents in the Gulf. These small shrimp look like tiny spiders and have no swimming legs. At this stage, the shrimp do not eat other organisms but live on its nutrition for two weeks. The next stage is called protozoea. These fuzzy-looking shrimp quickly grow into the fourth stage of a shrimps life cycle, mysis. Unlike earlier stages, these shrimp can respond to sunlight by moving deeper into the Gulf water to hide from predators. The fifth stage of growth is postlarvae. For the first time, shrimp can cling to the bottom of the estuary floor. For 4 to 6 weeks, these medium sized shrimp grow into juvenile shrimp. Juvenile shrimp like to hide and eat under plants in shallow, salty wate r. These shrimp grow into the sixth stage known as subadult. Subadult shrimp only swim to the top of the water at night. They migrate with the currents and grow into adult shrimp with the changes in temperature. When the water temperature rises, the shrimp return to the Gulf. Adult shrimp live in 60 to 500 ft of water, a depth about the length of 1 ½ football fields. Throughout their life, a shrimp eats many different things such as micro-algae, worms, decaying animal parts, plant roots, coral, and other shrimp. Their eating habits contribute to the health of Louisianas estuary. Species of shrimp Many species of shrimp live in the Gulf of Mexico and Louisianas estuaries. Two of the most popular to eat are brown shrimp and white shrimp. White shrimp are easy to notice. They have long, black antennas and a smooth tail shell. A white shrimp can be a few different colors. White shrimp are pink if caught during the night. White shrimp may be white or grey, depending on the temperature and the amount of salt in the water. Migrating shrimp have red legs. A shrimps color does not affect its taste once cooked. White shrimp begin their life cycle in the Gulf. When the temperature of the Gulf is just right, a female white shrimp spawns only two or three times. They migrate toward land in the early summer. They feed and grow until the early fall. When the water temperature becomes cooler, white shrimp migrate back into the Gulf during August, September, and October. Once they begin migrating, white shrimp in coastal and bay waters are harvested. White shrimp grow the largest size so shimpers love to harvest them. Brown shrimp are similar to white shrimp in many ways. Like white shrimp, their colors can vary. Small brown shrimp in estuaries are dark grey. Near shore in Gulf waters, brown shrimp are tan. Large brown shrimp in offshore waters are dark brown or red. Unlike white shrimp, the color of a brown shrimp does affect its taste. Because natural iodine causes the brown color in shrimp, dark brown shrimp have a bitter, iodine taste. Brown shrimps anatomy is different than white shrimp. They have brown, medium length antennas and small grooves on their shell. Brown shrimp also have a toothed rostrum, a sharp piece of shell that points out over their eyes. Brown shrimp also begin their life cycle in the Gulf. By responding to a change in water temperature, they spawn all year long in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They migrate inland to the estuaries before the white shrimp in the winter. Brown shrimp feed and grow until early summer. They are harvested during the summer in May, June, and July while still inland and rather small. Brown shrimp migrate back to the Gulf of Mexico in the late summer to spawn. Shrimp is one of Louisianas most valuable resources. Louisiana has more shrimp landings than any other state. Louisiana shrimpers work so hard that they are the #1 producer of shrimp in the U.S. In spite of this, Louisiana shrimp accounts for only 10% of the shrimp eaten in the United States! How could this be? Most people buy shrimp that is imported from other countries. Shrimpers in Louisiana are forced to lower the price of their shrimp to compete with the price of the imported shrimp. This low price really hurts Louisianas shrimp industry. By reducing their prices, Louisiana shrimpers may not meet their business financial needs. You can help support Louisianas shrimp industry in different ways. One way is to only buy Louisiana shrimp. You can always visit local docks and buy shrimp directly from shrimpers. Local shrimp is much fresher than the frozen, imported shrimp. You can even ask for Louisiana shrimp at restaurants and grocery stores. When buying shrimp When buying shrimp, you should consider a few important details. Some shrimp packages are labeled â€Å"head on.† This means the shrimps head was not removed. Other packages are labeled â€Å"headless.† This means that the shrimps head was removed. Sometimes shrimp are labeled as â€Å"green headless† shrimp. â€Å"Green† simply means that the shrimp are organic and unprocessed. Both brown and white shrimp occasionally have black spots on their shells. These black spots are caused by the reaction of natural amino acids and sunlight. Although they do not look appealing, these shrimp do not taste different and are safe to eat. Shrimp are labeled by how many shrimp there are per pound. On the package of shrimp are two numbers. For example, a package may be labeled 61/70.† This means there are about 61 to 70 shrimp per pound in the package. A smaller number indicates bigger shrimp. For example, one package might have been labeled as 16/20. These shrimp a re much larger than the 61/70 shrimp and contain 16 to 20 shrimp per pound. Sometimes you might see a package labeled as U/10. This package contains about 10 â€Å"colossal† shrimp per pound. Fishermen recently found a new invasive species. While fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, they caught a few Tiger shrimp. Tiger shrimp are the largest shrimp in the world. They are natives of Southeast Asia, Philippines, and Australia. Adult Tiger shrimp are 36 cm long. That is about 21 cm larger than adult white shrimp! Adult Tiger shrimp usually have black and white stripes on their tails. Their bodies may be brown, green, red, grey, blue, black, or yellow. Their color depends on the temperature and the amount of salt in the water. Just like white shrimp, their color does not affect their taste. Tiger shrimp begin their life during the night. A female shrimp will spawn about 750,000 eggs that are attached to her legs. These eggs hatch in 15 hours. They quickly grow through the same 7 stages as white and brown shrimp. Tiger shrimp grow into the adult stage in just a few months. Just like other shrimp, Tiger shrimp live on the bottom of estuaries during the day. They swim around in search of food during the night. Tiger shrimp are predators. They eat other shrimp and small fish. Because Tiger shrimp are new to the Gulf of Mexico, scientists are not sure if they will become invasive. Scientists must track this species of shrimp in local habitats to determine if the Tiger shrimp will harm the environment. If you find a Tiger shrimp, you should call BTNEP at (985) 447-0868 or Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries at (225) 765-2800. Shrimp are important to Louisianas estuary. Their niche, or role, changes with each new stage of their life cycle. A shrimps niche can be determined by studying the physical changes at each stage in its life cycle. Below is the life cycle of a shrimp. Label each stage. Then in the first block, describe the physical characteristics of the shrimp at each stage. In the second block, hypothesize how the shrimps physical traits help it adapt to its changing environment. To check your answers, go to http://www.seagrantfish.lsu.edu/biological/shrimpniche.htm#lifecycle. Americans eat 1 billion pounds of shrimp in one year! Americans eat more shrimp than any other food.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay -- essays research papers

Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknesses to me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think a person can carry. Effective communication consists of being able to speak clearly and professionally, while being knowleadgeable at the same time. I also have to ensure that the message that is being communicated is easy to understand and that my message covers all the facts and pertinent information. Communication has become one of the key parts to being successful in work life and in my personal life. Communication is key to my marriage and any relationship that I build within a team, workplace, and even with my small child. Being an effective communicator is definetely a strong point for me. Possessing the skills to be a leader is also a bright area for me. I learned at an early age that I love to be in charge and that taking initiative to get things done has a very positive out look. Being that I have learned my limitations and what is best for me, I do better as a leader and not a follower. Being a leader takes an outgoing personality, and a person that loves to work an be around people. It also takes good decision making skills and the ability to work well under pressure sometimes. I am truly a people person and feel that I have the traits that it takes to lead a group to the moon if need be. Which leads me into being a team player. I believe that team work is always a great asset to any work or personal group and being a team player is one of my stronger attributes. Being a team player means being able to work well with others, to offer assistance to others in need, and to be very open to new ideas and other peoples opinions. Being a team player to me falls right into place with being a people person and being able to wo... ...d, the bad, and the indifferent I feel that overall I am a great person and that I have many great qualities. As with anyone I have areas that I would surely like to be stronger in but only time will tell. I am starting to realize that the only way that I can change my weaknesses into strong points is to accept the fact that I have troubles in these areas and that they need to be fixed. Observering how my behaviors and weaker points affect others and my lifestyle will help me to develop a plan to fix these weak points beneath the surface. I think that once a person sits back and evaluates what their personal strengths and weaknesses are then a positive self evaluation can be made. Just from putting this paper together I have evaluated some things about myself that I havent touched base with in a long time. A persons strengths and weaknesses help to make up who they are and no one person is alike. I think that it is always important to know who you are and what you are made of and what better way than to evaluate the things that you can attribute and also the things that you work on to possible make you a better person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Single Life

Adult Development and career Life Assessment Jan. 21, 2010 With the internet implemented worldwide the dating scene has revolutionized. The single lifestyle in my opinion is slowly becoming a thing of the past, especially with social networking sites such as e-harmony, match. com, my-space, or even facebook. How can one define the single life? It depends on who you ask on what kind of definition you will get. In the dictionary single is defined as a relating to the unmarried state or no longer living with. I define being single as being someone who is not actively participating in a relationship with a like minded individual. I have been single for the most part of my life. My very first relationship was my sophomore year in high school. I was only about fifthteen or sixteen years old. Her name was Carla, she and I met in the cafeteria one morning while we were having breakfast before homeroom period started. Even though our high school was very small, I cannot recall ever seeing her before. Once we became friends, we started to date. We would attend school functions, basketball games, choir concerts, basketball games and track meets; as time progressed a little we both got our driver licenses and jobs. This at first was a really good thing for the relationship, due to the fact that we could attend and participate in other functions and activities outside the ones that were primarily school related, for example: the movies, or the fair. One side effect that I noticed from my new experience was that of a wondering mind. I would often find myself not focused on school work or any task for that matter. I would always become distracted when trying to accomplish anything; my attention would immediately be directed to Carla’s and I relationship. This was not benefiting me in anyway. My grades dropped, I became less and less productive at work and didn’t get much rest. Finally I made the decision that if a relationship would cause me not to maintain my focus and career goal that is was not for me at that time. Carla was my first and last serious relationship, and I have made the judgment to remain single until I have reached my educational aspirations. I would like to think that there is no pressure and is a personal choice on staying single or to get married, but it is not like that. Once a person can whole heartedly accept the fact that they are living the single life, it becomes somewhat easier for that individual to interact with others on a daily bases. For example, when a person really and truly feels as if they need to be in a relationship or cannot understand why they are not, that individual could have some problems dealing with others who are in a relationship or someone who is content with the single lifestyle. In my opinion â€Å"coming from personal experience† a person is more likely to find themselves when single as opposed to being in a committed relationship. Being a person who has been in a relationship and single, I can see some pros and cons in both being single and being in a relationship. Attached you will find a diagram with some of the pros and cons. ? ? Pros SINGLE IN A RELATIONSHIP Freedom Someone to share More friendsShared experiences Self-Sufficiency Can Depend on someone Prioritizing Career Two incomes Cons ? SINGLE IN A RELATIONSHIP Lonely Arguments No one to talk toJoint bank accounts One incomeLess time to work Having to cookLess time to focus on school In conclusion I’ve express my view and thought on the single life base on information obtain from personal experiences and article and information researched via the internet. Base on the information presented in my paper I have concluded that being single is conducive to the hectic lifestyle of a young, working college student. I do feel as if everyone needs and deserves someone. Which is why I do not wish to remain single for the remainder of my life, I can honestly say I am at the point in my life where being single is ok and works for me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do Soap Operas reflect life in the 21st Century? Essay

Soap operas are very popular. All ages watch soaps, from young children to retired grandparents. People are interested in soaps because they reflect life in the 21st century. They reflect life in the 21st century by making the characters seem real and by making he setting like an average town or part of town. I think that soaps are popular because they offer a chance for people to escape from the real world. Soaps make peoples problems seem small. People think that their problems can never be as bad as peoples problems in soaps because characters in soaps have such extreme problems which makes people feel a little better about themselves. Another reason that people like soaps is because it conveys society in a dramatic way, they cut out all of the small talk and everyday routines which nobody is interested in. Most people are interested in other peoples business and know that soaps aren’t real. The way soaps are made give it some reality so watching soaps is the same as knowing other peoples business but soaps mix the extreme with everyday life. As the soap characters problems are dramatic and usually major, people become absorbed into the story and soaps usually finish with a cliffhanger, which leaves you with half a story so that you will have to watch the next episode(s) to find out how the story ends. Soaps have many different characteristics, which are peculiar such as the fact that the show is ongoing; the only repeats are on channels such as UK gold. The characters have peculiar characteristics too. The characters are extreme. They are extremely nice people in soaps and then there are evil people. The characters also forget things very quickly. Things that happened two months ago aren’t mentioned now. Soaps are like a microcosm, the problems are bigger than usual and more focused on. The characters problems are also never ending, as soon as one ends another begins or a new problem arises at the worst possible time. Compared to a drama there are no central characters, a few peripheral characters, and the setting is always the same, there is no travelling outside the setting. I think that soaps for fill a social purpose because when people watch sops they know that they don’t want some of the things that happen on soaps to happen to them. People may subconsciously receive messages about life, for example teenage pregnancy. If a teenager has seen the consequences of unsafe sex perhaps they won’t make the same mistake. On the other hand people may think that things that happen in soaps can never happen to them. The language in Eastenders tries to be realistic. Because it is a soap this is impossible to make it the same as real life speech. The reasons for this are time and the fact that it would make the soaps boring. People in soaps don’t talk about the weather because it’s not what people want to hear. Characters in soaps don’t stutter or hesitate because it wastes time as there is only half-hour to squeeze everything in. Characters don’t swear as much as they would in real life because of the time it is shown. The way soaps try to be realistic is by using some slang, having background noise and the use of accents although some accents are obviously put on, It also isn’t very realistic because speech is very structured. Everybody has immediate responses in soaps and that isn’t how the real world works. Different soaps are aimed at different people but generally speaking soaps are aimed at teenagers and families. I can tell this because of the times soaps are shown at, the characters in soaps and the issues in soaps. There are all sorts of characters in Eastenders and issues about teens and about adults. It is on after people get home from work but before children go to bed. This information shows that Eastenders is a family soap. Soaps change with the times so I can see changes in soaps in the future. Soaps change because the world changes. The big issues in the world are reflected in soaps so as the world’s problems change, soaps change. Soaps can also teach us morals such as things can only get better. Characters in soaps are strong teaching us to be strong. When bad things happen to bad characters its showing us that people get their just desserts. I think that soaps can’t really affect our lives unless you are easily influenced but it can affect our lives in the way I mentioned earlier. It can make us more aware of problems and make us not want to be in that situation. Since working on this my attitude towards soaps has changed a little. I’m not a big fan of soaps but doing this essay has made me a little interested in soaps. This may be because I’m more aware of what goes on in soaps. In my opinion soaps do reflect life in the 21st century because they have the same problems as real life people but it isn’t realistic because if it were too real people wouldn’t be interested. This is why the characters are more extreme and why there are a lot more problems for one character than in real life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Heres What You Need to Know About Lesson Plans

Heres What You Need to Know About Lesson Plans A lesson plan is a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines the teachers objectives for what the students will accomplish during the course of the lesson and how they will learn it. Creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that you will use. All good lesson plans contain specific  components  or steps, and all essentially derive from the seven-step method developed by Madeline Hunter, a UCLA professor and education author. The Hunter Method, as it came to be called, includes these elements: objective/purpose, anticipatory set, input modeling/modeled practice, check for understanding, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. Regardless of the grade level you teach, Hunters model has been adopted and used in various forms for decades by teachers across the nation and at every grade level. Follow the steps in this method, and youll have a classic lesson plan that will be effective at any grade level. It doesnt have to be a rigid formula; consider it a general guideline that will help any teacher cover the necessary parts of a successful lesson. Objective/Purpose Students learn best when they know what they are expected learn and why, says the  U.S. Department of Education. The agency uses an eight-step version of Hunters lesson plan, and its detailed explanations are well worth reading. The agency notes: The purpose or objective of the lesson includes why students need to learn the objective, what they will be able to do once they have met the criterion, (and) how they will demonstrate learning....The formula for the behavioral objective is: The learner will do what with what how well.   For example, a high school history lesson might focus on  first-century Rome, so the teacher would explain to students that they are expected to learn the salient facts about the empires government, its population, daily life, and culture. Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set involves the teacher working to get students excited about the upcoming lesson. For that reason, some lesson plan formats actually put this step first. Creating an anticipatory set means doing something that creates a sense of anticipation and expectancy in the students, says Leslie Owen Wilson, Ed.D. in The Second Principle. This can include an activity, a game, a focused discussion, viewing a film or video clip, a field trip, or reflective exercise. For example, for a second-grade lesson on animals, the class might take a field trip to a local zoo or watch a nature video. By contrast, in a high school class getting ready to study  William Shakespeares play,  Romeo  and Juliet, students might write a short, reflective essay on a love they lost, such as a former boyfriend or girlfriend. Input Modeling/Modeled Practice This step- sometimes called  direct instruction- takes place when the educator actually teaches the lesson. In a high school algebra class, for example, you might write an appropriate math problem on the board, and then show how to solve the problem in a relaxed, leisurely pace. If its a first-grade lesson on important sight words to know, you might write the words on the board and explain what each word means. This step should be very visual, as the DOE explains: It is important for the students to see what they are learning. It helps them when the teacher demonstrates what is to be learned. Modeled practice, which some lesson plan templates list as a separate step, involves walking the students through a math problem or two as a class. You might write a problem on the board and then call on students to help you solve it, as they also write the problem, the steps to solve it, and then the answer. Similarly, you might have first-grade students copy the sight words as you spell each out verbally as a class. Check for Understanding You need to make sure students understand what you have taught. One easy way to do this is to ask questions. If youre teaching a lesson on simple geometry to seventh-graders,  have students practice with the information you just taught, says the  ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). And, be sure to guide the learning. If students dont seem to grasp the concepts youve just taught, stop and review. For the seventh-graders learning geometry, you may need  to repeat the previous step by showing more geometry problems- and how to solve them- on the board. Guided and  Independent Practice   If youre feeling like the lesson plan involves a lot of guidance, youre right. At the heart, thats what teachers do. Guided practice provides  each student a chance to demonstrate her  grasp of new learning by working through an activity or exercise under the teacher’s direct supervision. During this step, you might move around the room to determine your students level of mastery and provide individual help as needed. You may need to pause to show students how to successfully work through problems if they are still struggling. Independent practice, by contrast,  can include homework or seatwork assignments, which you give to the students to complete successfully without the need for supervision or intervention. Closure In this important step, the teacher wraps things up. Think of this phase as a concluding section in an essay. Just as a writer wouldnt leave her readers dangling without a conclusion, so too, the teacher should review all key points of the lesson. Go over any areas where students might still be struggling. And, always, asked focused questions: If students can answer specific questions about the lesson, they likely have learned the material. If not, you may need to revisit the lesson tomorrow. Tips and Hints Always gather all needed supplies ahead of time, and have them ready and available at the front of the room. If youll be conducting a high school math lesson and all students will need are their textbooks, lined paper, and calculators, that makes your job easier. Do have extra pencils, textbooks, calculators, and paper available, though, in case any students have forgotten these items. If youre conducting a science experiment lesson, make sure you have all of the ingredients needed so that all students can complete the experiment. You dont want to give a science lesson on  creating a volcano  and find out once students are gathered and ready that youve forgotten a key ingredient like baking soda. To ease your job in creating a lesson plan, use a  template. The basic lesson plan format has been around for decades, so theres no need to start from scratch. Once you figure out what kind of  lesson plan  you will be writing, then you can determine the best way to use the format to fit your needs.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Livingstones Pygmalion in Management

Livingstones Pygmalion in Management Livingstone’s article talks about how managers can influence their employees positively at the workplace. The article talks about the impact of managerial expectations on a firm’s performance. Livingstone emphasizes that a manager’s expectations has a direct contribution to the production levels a firm achieves.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Livingstone’s Pygmalion in Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A manager needs to raise the morale of his workers. This makes them self driven to achieve positive expectations that are vested in them. Managers need to encourage competitiveness in their workers. This gives them the passion and motivation necessary to achieve high performance and results. Effective managers understand their employees. This understanding enables such managers to motivate their employees to surpass the set expectations. Managers need to pass on their expectations in ways that improve workers’ attitudes towards work. Workers perform better when they are aware that their manager has confidence in their ability to attain positive results. A manager who strives to excel in his workstation is likely to be emulated by his subordinates and this leads to positive outcomes. Managers need to communicate positive messages and signals which encourage their workers to achieve desirable results. Verbal and non verbal actions of managers communicate different messages to their subordinates which lead to positive or negative output. Apathetic treatment by a manager diminishes workers’ drive to perform which leads to negative results. Indifference by a manager shows that he or she has low expectations in the ability of workers to perform. Managers should not communicate negative messages to their workers as this makes them to be lax in their duties. However, a manager’s expectations must be realistic and achievable to make workers belie ve they can be fulfilled. Setting realistic expectations ensures that workers do not burn out while striving to meet the high expectations of their superiors. Livingstone’s article shows the level of influence managers have on their subordinates within any working environment. Managers need to have positive expectations in individuals working under them to make them confident and self assured of their input. Credible and effective managers should set goals that are realistic and attainable.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This can bring about a transformation in workers’ productivity within their respective work stations. A manager’s success comes from his expertise and understanding of the industry in which his firm is active. Managers need to have the necessary knowledge and skills to make the firms they steer remain competitive in their chos en industries. Livingstone reveals that managers should make strong decisions that push their organizations towards positive development and growth. It is important for managers to be sensitive to the needs of their employees so that they can boost their self esteem. Employees with a strong self esteem display high levels of efficacy in their workstations and this leads to attainment of positive output. Managers should treat their subordinates well to ensure that they meet expectations that have been set. Managers should nurture talented employees to help them focus on how their input can be utilized better to achieve positive results. Managers that have a strong belief in their abilities are able to direct their workers to perform beyond the set expectations. Livingstone’s arguments testify how managers need to inspire those who work under them attain positive outcomes in their work assignments. Workers internalize positive or negative messages from their managers during the ir interactions at the workplace. Effective managers need to have a strong record of achievement. This makes subordinates to view their superiors as credible and effective. Managers need to participate directly in the activities of their firms. This can make them understand the problems and opportunities that exist within industries where their firms are involved. Training and mentoring of talented employees by managers gives them the confidence needed to achieve their individual expectations. Livingstone’s arguments provide a basis for implementation of effective human capital management practices by business organizations. The article reinforces the view that management should treat human capital more important than just a factor of production. The conviction managers have in their own human capital provides a strong foundation through which high expectations in the workforce are achieved. Managers need to sustain positive drive and motivation of their subordinates for them to achieve positive results. The article emphasizes on the need to have motivated and self assured employees in an organization. Employees are motivated to perform better if they are likely to obtain positive rewards.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Livingstone’s Pygmalion in Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Organizations need established systems that reward workers who achieve impressive results within their workstations. Managers need to evaluate the performance of their subordinates and reward those that excel in their assignments with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Livingstone’s views regarding young employees have credence because they are easily influenced by the actions of their superiors. Positive transfer of expectations by managers to young employees gives them a feeling of being valued by the organization. This drives them to perform exceptionally in their wo rk stations. Livingstone shows the power managers have over their subordinates’ success and how this can be tapped to benefit the organization.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Quasi-adjective Couple

The Quasi-adjective Couple The Quasi-adjective Couple The Quasi-adjective Couple By Maeve Maddox Many English speakers cringe to hear the following construction: Jack has a couple tickets for the play. Counting myself among the cringers, I prefer the standard construction: Jack has a couple of tickets for the play. I prefer the latter usage because I cant accept couple as an adjective describing tickets. To me the dropped of comes across as slovenly speech. As a noun couple means a union of two. It had its origin as a hunting term for a leash for holding two hounds together. In modern usage it often means a man and woman united by love or marriage. Well, now it can also mean a man and man or a woman and a woman etc. As a verb couple means to tie or fasten together in pairs, or to join or connect in any way. The OED offers two main entries for couple, one as noun and one as a verb. The adjectival use is noted under the noun entry: quasi-adj. a couple more (..), two more (colloq.). All of the OED examples given for this colloquial use of couple are used with the word more: Just you hang on for a couple minutes more a couple more cops to hold them at a decent distance I wonder if I could dictate a couple more letters Its going to be a couple more months..before we decide what to do. The dropping of the of in expressions in which couple is followed by a word other than more is described as a U.S. colloquialism. The spelling coupla is also documented and given an entry as a U.S. colloquial form of couple of. One of the examples is from the writing of English writer Dorothy Sayers: 1934 Nine Tailors III. II. 276 Hed had nothing to eat..for a coupla days. It seems to me that the spelling coupla has a certain merit. At least it sounds like an adjective, whereas a couple tickets just sounds incorrect. Merriam-Webster Unabridged treats couple as a genuine adjective meaning two and gives the examples a couple more oaths and a couple nights ago. If couple in these examples means two, I wonder why the article a would be necessary: a two more oaths; a two nights ago. No amount of carping will alter the fact that the a couple tickets construction is here to stay, but you wont catch me using it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should Know15 Types of DocumentsDealing With A Character's Internal Thoughts

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sash Sliding windows Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sash Sliding windows - Essay Example The complete unit is housed in a jamb groove (Jackson & Day 2009, p.183). The spiral balances can be used to replace window weights in old sash windows. First, the sashes are removed and weighed on the bathroom scale. Secondly, determine the weight of each sash, height, width and overall inside height of the window frame to ensure that the right sashes are ordered for and delivered. The sashes are then reinstalled until the balances are delivered. The sashes are then removed as well as the pulleys. Wood filler is used to plug the holes, as grooves are cut according to the specifications of the manufacturer to fit the stales of each sash to accommodate the balances. A mortise is cut at each end of the bottom edges to receive the spiral rod mounting plates. The plates are then installed with screws. The top sash is pushed in place as the top pair of balances that are shorter than the bottom sash then each is installed in its groove (Chudley & Greeno 2013, p.24). The top ends of the balance are attached to the top ends of the balance tubes to the frame jambs pushing the ends tight to the top jambs. The sash is lifted and propped with a scrap of wood. The key is hooked with balances into the end of each spiral rod and the tension adjusted according to manufacturer’s instructions. The end of each rod is attached to be mounting plate and the test balance of the sash. If it drops, ensure that another turn is added until it is held in the right position. Care should be taken so that the balances are not overwound. The bottom sash and balances are installed in the same way. Stops that limit full crewel of the sashes in respective tracks are placed. Sash windows are recognised for their aesthetic and conservative value to the homes and commercial buildings. The windows are simple to scrub and keep, are sustainable to the environment since they have excess energy ratings, are air

Friday, October 18, 2019

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program Research Paper

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program - Research Paper Example This approach will result in a higher production rate thereby satisfying the both the local and international demand. Currently the company has about 600 workers doing assembly work on the floor and the number is expected to increase to 3,500 when the production of the F-35 jet fighter hits full throttle. There will be three shifts a day and approximately one aircraft will be complete per working day. As the plane moves through the assembly line there are various workstations to cater for different needs of the variants of the aircraft. With this kind of strategy the company plans to make around 130 planes in the early stages of production as it prepares for a high rate phase in later years (Finn, 2013). For a while the production of the F-35 struggled to meet its required target numbers. This however changed in 2013 as everything changed for the better. It was then that progress in flight tests improved and the technical risks that were there before overcame. The production program was able to surpass 10,000 flight hours in September of 2013, the same amount which had been achieved in the previous years. Overall around 8,000 thousand tests have been performed and the marine variant has achieved 500 successful vertical landings (Von, 2013). Such landings proved the capability of the aircraft to land in areas with no landing strips. Through this the program was able to evaluate whether the desired performance goals had been achieved. The success of this tests led to increase in production of the aircraft from 11 planes in 2011 to 30 in 2012 and finally 36 in 2013.By November 2014 a total of 115 F-35’s had been produced. This can also be accredited to the fact that Lockheed Mar tin, the Corporation making the jet fighter adopted the automated moving line assembly system for production. With this increased production numbers the unit price for each aircraft witnessed a great drop. The drop is so big that the

Successful Music Publication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Successful Music Publication - Essay Example The keys to be successful in this venture is by analyzing different aspects of how the publication will possibly survive in competition such as this one. The competition among music publications is undoubtedly very tight, and even more imposing is the fact that so many publications have already held their ground and established their names as household names, benchmarks in the industry, namely the KERRANG, SNIFFING and NME, all of which have made names for themselves in the 1980's. It is sheer impossibility to surpass the name established by those popular magazine, it is even more difficult to get even closer, but what should be kept in mind is that is not the goal that should be hurriedly achieved. What should be the first in considerations is how to turn the heads of music blokes, along with their curiosities. Until now, KERRANG, NME and SNIFFING are still enjoying relative popularity like their other counterparts. As the researcher had earlier done, having visited the websites of the aforementioned music publications, the three of them possess almost all of the same qualities that contribute to their existence after decades. Their w Their websites are all very eye-catching, all of them are attention-grabbers because of the loud colors and enticing headlines they possess. NME, KERRANG and SNIFFING all give a chance of publicity to new artists, and yet they never neglect the great artists of yesterday along with their immortal hits. An example is the front webpage of NME dated May 12, 2007, posted is the black and white picture of the Beatles, and yet they have links to news concerning artists of this generation. That is a vivid example of how they prioritize their readership. Another aspect they share is they all have the opinion section, for the readers and website browsers to post their opinions regarding anything, about music, the magazine or the website itself, or even their suggestions. The posting of these suggestions on their sites and their print magazines is a surefire way to establish a personal relationship with the readers, making them feel that they are of utmost priority. In the aspect of the news, without the evidence of reading every issue of these magazines and their websites, the researcher noticed that their news is very well-written, especially the headlines. But they are in no way offensive to the readers and they are not even showing a hint of bias towards their posting of news. This is the proof that all music publications should by all means be honest about news, they should give sheer priority to the delivery of accurate statistics, and in-depth and yet impartial analysis of music news around the world. These three music publications have their own style and originality, shown by their mere taglines. NME has the tagline "First for Music News," while for KERRANG, it is "the world's biggest-selling weekly rock magazine." The taglines are proofs of their originality. They are still enjoying success because of the things that they have done and still doing up until today. Task 2 - Chosen Music Genre I choose pop music. Why Because virtually all music lovers are indulged in this genre, all ages,

The only role women play in war is that of the innocent victim Essay

The only role women play in war is that of the innocent victim - Essay Example Thesis statement: The comparison based on Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht and Women of Troy by Euripides proves that the only role women play in war is that of the innocent victims. Comparison: A. Role of women in Thirty Years' War of 1618–1648 and Trojan War First of all, one can easily identify that Brecht was totally against Fascism and Nazism. So, he made use of the context of German invasion of Poland (1939) as the plot of his play, Mother Courage and Her Children. But he infused the plot to another context, i.e., the Thirty Years' War. The plot revolves around the life history of Anna Fierling (Mother Courage) and her futile attempt to make a living by serving as a canteen woman. Besides, Mother Courage considers her job as an opportunity to help her family. Bloom makes clear that â€Å"In the opening scene, Brecht uses â€Å"the song of Mother Courage† to project an attitude- Anna Fierling’s response to war as an arena for commerce† ( 37). From a different angle, her involvement in the Thirty Years' War (say, her service in Swedish Army) was indirect but she was forced to face its after effects (the death of her children) in a direct way. Besides, her daughter Catherine was killed during the war, without any solid reason. On the other side, in the play Women of Troy, the playwright portrays the women characters as the victims of the Trojan War. Their status in the society as the members of the royal family does not help them to be safe from the after effects of the war. For instance, the women of Troy faced multiple problems due to the utter defeat in the war with the Greek warriors. Besides, the women characters were not responsible for the war but they were forced to undergo a number of problems. Salisbury states that â€Å"In the Women of Troy, at the end of the war the women of Troy are enslaved, and Euripides shows the horror of warfare through their eyes† (153). Almost all the women characters in the play, like Hecuba, Helen, Andromache and Cassandra were not directly involved in the war. But abduction of Helen was the grass root level reason behind the war. To be specific, the women characters in Play Women of Troy were the victims of the after effects of the Trojan War. B. Family crisis One can easily identify that Brecht makes use of the main female characters in the play Mother Courage and Her Children, as his mouthpiece to communicate with the viewers. For instance, Brecht makes use of the character Anna Fierling and her service in the Swedish Army to unveil the futility of war. Besides, Anna Fierling’s service did not help her to save her children from the after effects of the dreadful war. Instead, her children (Eilif, Kattrin, and Swiss Cheese) were killed during the war. But Carney opines that† When Mother Courage lose one of her children, her immediate reaction is businesslike: it is necessary to divide up the work anew† (101). Her attempt to se rve the Swedish Army in the Thirty Years' War and to save her family became unsuccessful. Her daughter Kattrin (Catherine) was one of the direct victims of the war. Besides, Yvette Pottier, a female character in the play, was a prostitute who used to entertain the soldiers. One can easily identify that these female characters (say, Anna Fierling, Catherine and Yvette Pottier) were not directly involved in the war, but were forced to be the direct victims. On the other side, in the play Women of Troy, the women charac

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Summarize each article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summarize each article - Research Paper Example Moral distress affects all the healthcare providers across the board in different healthcare settings making it a serious issue in the healthcare sector. Although moral distress is defined differently depending on different fields it primarily acquaints itself with ethical perspective of health practice. Upholding professional values, responsibilities and duties remains vital and are strongly affected by moral distress. Some of the negative impacts of moral distress in healthcare include emotional distress, withdrawal of self from patients, inadequate patient care, and job dissatisfaction or may be attrition in nursing (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Moral distress is argued by some researchers that it can change the position of nurses regarding the particular situation or ethical requirements. At times the nurses’ demands of providing care may affect the healthcare providers by prompting them to cease their profession which is actually a serious concern. Research on moral dis tress in nursing faces various challenges such as lack of conceptual clarity and perpetuation or meta-narration regarding the identity of nursing as a profession. Generally there is insufficient conceptual and theoretical clarity of moral distress in the healthcare sector. ... These kinds of constraints are believed to be beyond nurses’ perspectives thus leading to reactive moral distress as Jameton explains. Nurses may be faced with challenges of doing as per the institutional requirement or following their conscious. Moral distress may therefore be caused by individuals’ failure to do things compromising their personal integrity. Resolution to moral distress may really boost performance of nurses (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Consequently, it is undeniable that empirical research tensions hindering moral distress are found to be the fact that most research involves nurses in acute care in North America and also repeated use of a specific tool developed in a particular context. Additionally, there is insufficient connection among moral distress, moral agency and ethical climate as well as minimal attention to interventions or actions addressing issues related to moral distress. Since moral distress cuts across all professions and disciplin es especially disciplines related to healthcare provision, research should be conducted based on interdisciplinary perspective (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Recommendations to cope with moral distress only concentrate individual perspective thus living behind structural concerns. Although there has been limited involvement of policy and politics in trying to solve or control the issue of moral distress, they still remain important factors in moral distress management. Reference Pauly, Varcoe & Storch. (2012), Nurses perceptions and responses to morally distressing situations.  Nursing

Knowledge, Truth, Belief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Knowledge, Truth, Belief - Assignment Example We know that when someone dies, they are gone forever. We don’t see the people who have died. They’re put in the ground, and we know that there is no possibility of ever seeing them alive again. Death is the ultimate reality that gives life meaning—because we know that once we’re dead, there may be some astral traveling to various yugas, but that life is the ultimate experience with realia. 2. One of the more contentious points in Descartes argument centers around the claim that God must necessarily exist because he is a perfect being, and a perfect being would not lack the attribute of existence. When this argument was first posed by St. Anselm in 1078, (almost 560 years earlier) a contemporary of Anselms, a monk named Gaulino, parodied this argument by suggesting that if someone could conceive of a "perfect island" then this perfect island must exist somewhere, since the idea of a non-existent perfect island (much like a non-existent but perfect God) would represent an inconsistency in ones thinking. Is Gaulino correct when he suggests that this kind of argument seems to open the door for the (somewhat sudden) existence of all kinds of entities so long as we conceive of them as being perfect? Explain. Descartes’s assertion that all entities exist because they are perfect produces a troubling difficulty that cannot be immediately remedied. As Descartes said himself, even he had doubts about certain issues. â€Å"All that I have, up to this moment, accepted as possessed of the highest truth and certainty, I received either from or through the senses. I observed, however, that these sometimes misled us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 He is admitting, then, that the senses can deceive one when conceptualizing philosophical ideas. This doesn’t make him an expert, then, when he says that everything that truly exists has to be perfect—because we all know that there are many things in the world that do indeed

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Summarize each article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summarize each article - Research Paper Example Moral distress affects all the healthcare providers across the board in different healthcare settings making it a serious issue in the healthcare sector. Although moral distress is defined differently depending on different fields it primarily acquaints itself with ethical perspective of health practice. Upholding professional values, responsibilities and duties remains vital and are strongly affected by moral distress. Some of the negative impacts of moral distress in healthcare include emotional distress, withdrawal of self from patients, inadequate patient care, and job dissatisfaction or may be attrition in nursing (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Moral distress is argued by some researchers that it can change the position of nurses regarding the particular situation or ethical requirements. At times the nurses’ demands of providing care may affect the healthcare providers by prompting them to cease their profession which is actually a serious concern. Research on moral dis tress in nursing faces various challenges such as lack of conceptual clarity and perpetuation or meta-narration regarding the identity of nursing as a profession. Generally there is insufficient conceptual and theoretical clarity of moral distress in the healthcare sector. ... These kinds of constraints are believed to be beyond nurses’ perspectives thus leading to reactive moral distress as Jameton explains. Nurses may be faced with challenges of doing as per the institutional requirement or following their conscious. Moral distress may therefore be caused by individuals’ failure to do things compromising their personal integrity. Resolution to moral distress may really boost performance of nurses (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Consequently, it is undeniable that empirical research tensions hindering moral distress are found to be the fact that most research involves nurses in acute care in North America and also repeated use of a specific tool developed in a particular context. Additionally, there is insufficient connection among moral distress, moral agency and ethical climate as well as minimal attention to interventions or actions addressing issues related to moral distress. Since moral distress cuts across all professions and disciplin es especially disciplines related to healthcare provision, research should be conducted based on interdisciplinary perspective (Pauly, Varcoe & Storch, 2012). Recommendations to cope with moral distress only concentrate individual perspective thus living behind structural concerns. Although there has been limited involvement of policy and politics in trying to solve or control the issue of moral distress, they still remain important factors in moral distress management. Reference Pauly, Varcoe & Storch. (2012), Nurses perceptions and responses to morally distressing situations.  Nursing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare Martin Luther and Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare Martin Luther and Jesus - Essay Example However, Luther and Jesus differ considerably in the context, goals, and methods of their respective positions, which results in diverse rhetoric between the â€Å"Gospel† and the â€Å"Appeal.† On the basis of these differences, one may make claims about the roles that the two men play in their respective societies. From the beginning of Luther’s appeal to the German upper-class, one is unavoidably struck by his extreme modesty—a necessary courtesy in his period. Classifying himself as a â€Å"poor† and â€Å"insignificant† individual, Luther attributes his desire to reform the Church to the will of God and not to his own personal â€Å"arrogance† or â€Å"perversity.† In spite of this modesty, Luther continues to claim significant weaknesses in the â€Å"three walls† of the Romanists, which stand for the three arguments that the Catholic Church presents in favor of their system of maintaining Church doctrine. Knowing th at Luther is appealing to Germany’s most powerful people, and that he is being necessarily modest in doing so, it seems apparent that Luther is attempting to reform the religious institution (and its political extensions) from the inside. Undoubtedly, he sees a revolutionary approach to change as both unnecessary and as personally threatening; instead of taking Christianity and religion as such in a new direction, Luther still believes in the tenets of the Christian religion—but so strongly as to demand fundamental changes. The Gospel of Mark reveals no such modesty about Jesus, who knows he is the Son of the Lord. In Mark 8:27-33, Peter receives the revelation that Jesus is truly the Christ. Jesus tests his disciples for their belief in him as the true Christ. And, as the Son of God, Jesus is devoted to achieving fundamental changes to the ways of life of his people, both in a religious and political sense. Jesus proves to people, through his miracles in Mark 7:31-37, 8:1-10, and elsewhere of his ethos for speaking about deeply fundamental religious concepts. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus works on establishing this ethos, or credibility, while Luther seeks in his â€Å"Appeal† to both strengthen and undermine his own ethos at the same time: strengthening by admitting his own smallness in comparison to his audience, and undermining by emphasizing this smallness in the first place. Luther does not try to claim any special sort of revelation, such as the revelation that Jesus claims to have with respect to his knowledge of the world. Jesus, in contrast to Luther, is attempting to carve out an entirely new area of human life to preach to and from that to achieve a sinless world. Nevertheless, one should not forget that, like Jesus, Luther is attacking the establishment in a very harsh way. The Pope, Luther claims, is solely allowed the power of interpreting the Scriptures, which is a mistake of the â€Å"spiritual estate.† Since all Chr istians are truly of the spiritual estate, Luther believes, every one of them has the right to interpret Scriptures, and there are no differences among any of them. Accordingly, what Luther lacks in ethos, he makes up for in logical argument that appeals specifically to the educated and free-thinking social elites of his society. It is also noteworthy to see that Luther is appealing to the group of people who are on a more level playing field with the Pope that he himself is.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History Of The William Colgate Company

History Of The William Colgate Company William Colgate Company was started in 1806. William Colgate was a maker of soap and candle by himself. The firm began selling bars in regular weights in the 1840s. The company was well-run as Colgate Company under the managing of his son, Samuel Colgate after the death of William Colgate. His son Colgate introduced a perfumed soap in 1872, by the name of Cashmere Bouquet and then in 1873 the firm introduced toothpaste, aromatic toothpaste sold in jars. In 1908 they initiated mass selling of toothpaste in tubes. In 1898, In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the B.J. Johnson Company was manufacturing a soap wholly of palm and olive oil, the technique of which was urbanized by B.J. Johnson. The soap was well-liked a sufficient amount to rename their corporation after it Palmolive. At the go round of the century Palmolive, which enclosed both palm and olive oils, was the worlds best-selling soap. A Kansas based soap manufacturer known as the Peet Brothers merged with Palmolive to become Palmolive-Peet. In 1928, Palmolive-Peet bought the Colgate Company to generate the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. In 1953 Peet was dropped from the label, send-off only Colgate-Palmolive Company, the existing name. Colgate-Palmolive has extended been in fierce opposition with Procter Gamble, the worlds largest soap and detergent maker. PG introduced its Tide laundry detergent shortly after World War II, and thousands of consumers turned from Colgates soaps. When PG started putting fluoride in its toothpaste after that the Colgate lost its figure one place in the toothpaste market. In the commencement of television, Colgate-Palmolive wished to compete with Procter Gamble as a sponsor of soap operas. The company sponsored many events in part; they were for the most part famous for being the full sponsor of the entertainment in installments The Doctors. George Henry Leach was president, CEO, and chairman of the board of Colgate-Palmolive in the 1960s and 1970s, and during that time transformed it into a modern company with major restructuring. In 2006, Colgate-Palmolive announced the intended acquisition of Toms of Maine, a leading maker of natural toothpaste, for US $100M. Toms of Maine was founded by Tom Chappell in 1970. Today, Colgate has frequent subsidiary organizations with a leg on each side of 200 countries, but it is publicly scheduled in only two, the United States and India. The company built a status around the world as a successful company with the highest moral values. all the way through alive our values of Caring, Global Teamwork, and Continuous perfection, and adhering to the uppermost principles of honesty, admiration, and concern for the environment, we seek to: make available safe and quality products of value to consumers raise shareholder value Offer opportunities for personal and professional growth to all Colgate people Fulfill our corporate social responsibilities as a member of the global community Products: Around the world, people like you trust our family of brands to care for the ones they love. Toothbrushes and toothpastes to bar soap, household cleaners, every day our products get better the quality of life for consumers global. Toothpastes Sparkle Tooth Brushes New Palmolive Naturals Azadi Carbolic Soap Protex Max Bar Azadi Dish Bar Max Scourers Max Liquid Max Antibacterial Brite Total Express Power Bonus Colgate-Palmolives Mission Statement Our three fundamental values-Caring, Global Teamwork and Continuous Improvement-are part of everything we do. Caring The Company cares about people: Colgate people, customers, shareholders and business partners. Colgate is committed to act with compassion, integrity and honesty in all situations, to listen with respect to others and to value differences. The Company is also committed to protect the global environment and to enhance the communities where Colgate people live and work. Global Teamwork All Colgate people are part of a global team, committed to working together across countries and throughout the world. Only by sharing ideas, technologies and talents can the Company achieve and sustain profitable growth. Continuous Improvement Colgate is committed to getting better every day in all it does, as individuals and as teams. By better understanding consumers and customers expectations and continuously working to innovate and improve products, services and processes, Colgate will become the best. EXTERNAL FACTORS EFFECTIVE CHANGE: The weighted score of the EFE matrix comes out to be 2.67 which show that Colgate can take advantage of the profitable opportunities that the market is offering, to overcome the external threats. The highest weights in the external opportunities are given to new product development and the implementation of ERP which means automated system for supply chain management. Colgate is not yet into a large variety of personal care products and since people are becoming more fashion and hygiene conscious these days Colgate can enter into a much profitable market of products categories like shampoo, face wash, body wash, liquid hand wash, shower gel etc. Its major rivals in the personal care category namely Unilever and Lux are already manufacturing these products but Colgate with its large capital base can enter these markets easily and can increase the length of their Personal Care product line and become more profitable. The other major opportunity is that Colgate can fully automate their supply chain. Colgate is in fact planning to take advantage of this opportunity and is pursuing a strategy by the name of ERP (SAP) which will make whole supply chain automated. All local and foreign suppliers of Colgate will have their systems integrated with the Companys MIS (Management Information System) where they can take orders, check inventory levels, bargain prices. Awareness among the rural population has also increased over the past decade and some part of the population is shifting from miswak and home-made cleaning soaps to tooth pastes liquid and powdered soaps. There is also a large gap in the tooth brush market which means that Colgate Palmolive is far ahead in the tooth brush market as compared to its major rivals and can further increase this gap with more innovations. The major threat to the company is the increasing prices of raw material and energy which is mainly due to the inflation in the country. The suppliers are constantly demanding price increases and the company has to negotiate prices with them on a regular basis. Moreover the energy and fuel prices are also rising, as a result of which Colgate has to bear high cost of operations. Being a low-cost producer, it is a major threat to the company. Apart from this, the political situations are also causing major threats to the company. Post December 27, 2008 80% of Colgate factories in Kotri were burnt out which caused huge losses to the company. INERNAL FACTOR FOR EFFECTIVE CHANGE: The weighted score from the IFE comes out to be 2.96 which shows that the company has enormous strengthens to overcome its weaknesses. The highest weightage is given to the biggest strength that Colgate has, which is, that it is the market leader in Surface care category with 90% market share. Besides that it has cooling crystal patent in its tooth pastes as no other brand has cooling crystal ingredients in its tooth pastes. This particular strength gives it a competitive advantage over its close rivals like Medicam and English toothpaste (Filicetti, John). Another major strength of Colgate Palmolive is its good leadership that has been contributing to the companys success. The strategic objectives of the company are clearly defined and communicated throughout the company. Employees commitment is also a major contributing factor, there are no layoffs and people are committed to working hard consistently. Moreover, with high profits they pay their employees good salaries too and also carry out training programs at different managerial levels. Despite the current economic threats Colgate has managed to keep its share price at an above average level in the industry. Currently its share is trading in the market at Rs. 850. The major weakness of Colgate is that it is not utilizing IT Systems to the optimum level. In this fast moving world, with cut-throat competition it is a major weakness of a company which does not have proper MIS systems installed. It doesnt have a separate IT department either. Besides that there are no e-commerce facilities available to customers who buy in bulk. Another weakness is that Colgate Palmolive is not exporting its products to other countries. Colgate has subsidiaries in many countries but they are more profitable than CP because they export to other countries. If CP overcomes this weakness and start exporting to even in just a few countries it can earn high margins (Filicetti, John). PRIMARY ACTIVITIES COST INBOUND LOGISTICS: CP has efficient MIS systems that link their suppliers raw material with the firm production processes (Moore, E.R). OPERATIONS: CP has efficient plants installed that reduce manufacturing costs. Previously they had machines that used to take one day to switch from the manufacturing of one kind of product to the other. But currently the plants and machines that they have are much more cost effective and efficient. It takes only 30 minutes to switch from one product ma manufacturing to the other (Moore, E.R). DISTRIBUTION AND OUTBOUND LOGISTICS: CP has accurate and responsive order processing procedures. The delivery of raw material to the manufacturers and the delivery of final products to the various departmental stores like Aghas, Makro, Naheed etc is made on time (Moore, E.R). SALES AND MARKETING: CP has a highly trained sales force. They carry out various awareness programs in which they visit different localities with their sales team along with doctors who make people and especially children ( incase of Oral care products ), aware of the importance of hygiene. In this way CP has always strive to improve the quality of life. There products are not priced very high. Products are priced in a way that generates sales volume. CP spends a lot on advertising and television commercials (Sergiovanni, T.J). SERVICES: CP provides a help desk to its customers. They can write their comments and complaints directly to the colgate Palmolive. Colgate usually offers a free medical checkup for all at various schools, exhibitions and hospitals. CP is thus performing corporate socially responsibility (Moore, E.R) support activities and cost FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE: CP has a professional and strong infrastructure. Every manager in various department has to report to the GM of his department and the GM then report to the director. M.D is the person who is the head of the colgate Palmolive. The firm processes are made in such a way that it has helped the company to reduce its cost. Employee commitement has always been there. The culture is adaptive and professional. CP has a strong relationship with its suppliers (Moore, E.R). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: CP value their employees commitment. Thats why they dont have any layoffs. Their employees are loyal to the company. They carry out training programs that further groom employees. CP also conducts management trainee programs in which they recruit fresh graduates and provide them training in almost all departments so as to make that individual well familiar with the organization (Sergiovanni, T.J). TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: CP has investments in technologies but they still need to automate their supply chain in order to become more cost effective. Apart from that they are also not utilizing E-commerce facilities to the optimum level which can give them a huge cost reduction (Moore, E.R). PROCUREMENT: CP has systems and procedures installed through which they contact their local and foreign suppliers who are all CP Approved. They negotiate prices and place orders through these systems (Moore, E.R). COLGATE PALMOLIVES LOW-COST PROVIDER STARTEGY: CP has a large and efficient distribution network. Its distribution channels are located all over Pakistan (Moore, E.R) It caters to a broad customer base. It has developed itself in almost all the categories which are associated with customers on the daily basis. Colgate pursues low cost strategy. Its plant is automated. Only one plant is used for the manufacturing of three different detergents like bonus, express, brite The whole process is repeated for each of the detergent. By automating the plant, CP is able to save a lot of cost. CP value delivery network does not have any delays in it which helps CP to save cost. CP targets all segment, it has products for the lower class, middle class and the upper class. Its pricing is done accordingly. It has cost leadership in the detergent and the surface care category CP forecasting is very accurate which helps them to reduce cost because if estimated are accurate then it helps the company to avail cost advantages CP is allowed to deviate only 5% from its forecast both upwards and downwards CP has concentrated more on process efficiencies CP has access to large capital that is required to make significant investment. CP never compromises on the development expenditure. It is always ready to improve its production processes. Being a low cost producer it helps CP to better compete to its rivals. Being the low cost producer it has helped CP to insulate themselves from powerful suppliers who nowadays demand increasing prices due to rising inflation. Being he low cost producer, it has also helped to attract powerful buyers whom CP sells directly like MAKRO, DMART, IMITAZ, AGHAS, and NAHEED etc (Moore, E.R). Economic Factor The overall economy of the country is showing a stable growth. Therefore this industry is also showing a growth of 10%. But the inflation is growing rapidly which is not a good sign for the new entrants. Change in the interest rate also affects the industry. Hence the new entrants are also threatened by the increasing interest rates. Economic factors do influence the bargaining power of buyers as inflation is the major factor that is affecting the consumers hard. Economic factors do not affect the availability of substitutes. But since inflation is growing, so it is hard for the poor people to switch to more modern products like washing powder, tooth paste. They would rather prefer oil to clean their clothes and use miswak to brush their teeth. Economic factors do have an affect on the bargaining power of suppliers as inflation is rising fast. Suppliers demand that they would provide the necessary raw material at a higher price. Exchange rate fluctuations also affect the cost of raw material. Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff.). Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) STRATEGY 1 STRATEGY 2 Weights AS TAS AS TAS STRENGTHS Market leader in surface care with 90% market share 0.15 Good Leadership 0.06 Employee commitment 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Cooling crystal patent 0.1 Accurate forecast with respect to demand 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14 High EPS 0.08 3 0.24 2 0.16 Strong advertisement and promotional campaign 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 WEAKNESSES IT not used optimally 0.13 4 0.52 2 0.26 No ecommerce 0.1 3 0.3 2 0.26 No proper use of forward integration 0.05 2 0.1 3 0.15 They are not exporting their products to other countries 0.06 1 OPPORTUNITIES Exploring into new categories like shampoo, hand wash , body wash, shower gel 0.14 2 0.28 4 0.56 Rural population switching from miswak to toothpaste 0.06 Gap in tooth brush market 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 Implementation of ERP(SAP) 0.14 4 0.56 2 0.28 People becoming hygiene and beauty conscious 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 No layoffs 0.07 THREATS(T) Raw material and energy prices are increasing 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Inflation in the country 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 Competitors re launching their products 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 Competitors increasing their marketing budgets 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 Unstable law and order conditions. 0.06 1 TOTAL 4.05 3.69 Rivalry among existing competitors Yes (+) No (-) The industry is growing rapidly. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The fixed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ There are significant product differences and brand identities between the competitors. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized skills and facilities or long-term contract commitments etc. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ INTERPRETATION: Threat of competitors is high because the product is not unique as there are no product differences. Same products are available with all competitors like Unilever, Procter and Gamble, Shield, Oral B. Therefore rivalry is also increasing as demand in the economy has also increased for the last 5 to years. Majority of the competitors are MNCs which means that they have the necessary resource and skill (Hiatt, Jeff). Government Factors: Government regulations do have an affect on the rivalry among the competitors. Political factors: Political factors do not affect the rivalry among the competitors Economic factors Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff). Social trends Social trends have changed, buyer are more aware of their purchases. So the players in the industry are always trying hard to increase their market share (Hiatt, Jeff). Technological change Technology is helping the companies to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Also research and development plays an important role in this (Hiatt, Jeff). KEY SUCCESS ACTORS FOR COMPETIVE SUCCESS Low cost production efficiency. CP has plants installed that take only 30 minutes for the plant to shift from the production of one product to the other. High quality manufacturing of products with very few defects. A strong network of wholesale distributors. Gaining ample space on retailer shelves. (Examples Naheed, Aghas, Makro and other small shops.) Attractive packaging and styling. Good length of product lines. Attractive commercials and advertising. Good reputation in the industry along with favorable reputation with buyers. Market penetration Colgate can do market penetration by increasing its advertising, people always associate Colgate with tooth paste and have no awareness that it produces personal and surface care products as well. They should show their logo on all its products so that people know the producers and this will increase customer loyalty and also when people will come to know that Colgate is the producer then new customers will also buy the product (Hiatt, Jeff). They should also increase their promotion efforts by going to school and doing health awareness programs, also they should go to residential areas and make women aware of their surface care and fabric care products such as max, bonus and express etc Product development: Colgate can also do product development by introducing new features in their already existing brands. They can improve their tooth brush quality and features by introducing flexi tooth brushes for special oral care. Also they can introduce whitening features in their feature in their tooth paste; different colors of tooth paste can also be introduced to attract the kinds market. In their fabric care they can introduce in special features of protecting the color of the cloth while washing and also whitening enhancing surfs to give a good shine to while clothes (Hiatt, Jeff). develop systems to involve appropriate stakeholders in the introduction of change SIX THINGS REQUIRED TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENTING A STRATEGY According to Porter, to implement a strategy effectively six things should be followed: Create a formal plan: Distributor Quantity Item Price Negotiation, Inventory Reporting, Stock Details, Payment Terms HR Module Inventory / Store Create a multifunctional team: To effectively implement ERP, Colgate must first hire an independent resource firm. Acquire licensing for SAP Implementation. Establish an independent IT unit for the monitoring of ERP. This department will coordinate with all the other departments (Robbins S, Mukerji). Communication of strategy: inside and outside: All employees in the company should be made aware of the new automated system. Each employee must be provided a minimal insight of SAP but those employees who have to work on SAP the most should ofcourse be provided with proper training course of SAP. These include: Factory Manager Manager accounts Warehouse Manager Distribution team Consumer insight department Outside the company the strategy to implement ERP should be communicated properly to all the local and foreign suppliers of Colgate Palmolive (Hagberg). Consistency over time: As Information Technology is progressing day by day, new changes in ERP are expected after certain time periods. Therefore it would become very important for Colgate to cope up with the changes in the software. For this purpose it would need to update it employees by providing training whenever any change takes place in SAP (Hagberg). Use proper measurements: Other measures, not just financial measures would be required to test whether the system is working properly. These measures include: Whether the system is accurately forecasting demand, sales, price changes Whether or not there are any deviations in the actual versus projected sales Effectiveness of the internal processes after the strategy implementation (Robbins S, Mukerji). Test the strategy: Ask employees and senior management in all departments whether they are satisfied with the new system of working. Talk to suppliers and distributors whether they want any more improvements in the new system of working (Hagberg). KEY DRIVING FORCES Industry growth: Now most of the people have knowledge about the different products and its advantages. The intense competition in industry and high demand enables the new entrants to compete in this market (Hagberg). Product innovation: Innovation in product, as Colgate has just introduced Max fresh in which the coolant crystals are present which none of the competitors has adopted yet. There is also room in innovation in washing detergents (Hagberg). Changing societal concerns, attitudes and lifestyle: Since social issues are really effecting the use of product just like the use of Miswak which is the Islamic mode of cleaning the teeth (Hagberg). Use of E-commerce and Internet: Usage of online ordering and maintaining the stock level through e-commerce can be driving force in the industry. By using that they can provide products to customer which is value addition for them (Hagberg). This report is purely based on the finding from the Colgate expert and the secondary data analysis, and the reason for writing the whole report is to find the obstacle / hindrance a business men face and how the organization can minimize it through implementing the different strategies and analysis. The whole report research draws attention to  the fact that any problem can be eliminate if proper investigation and consideration can be observed the success is easy to get, Pakistan market is mature market and the competition is tough here because most of the customer is price conscious and act like butterflies, so targeting this kind of customer is quite difficult, but on the other hand it can be managed if the you can understand the market effectively and efficiently (Robbins S, Mukerji). Hiatt, Jeff. HYPERLINK http://www.change-management.com/tutorial-definition-history.htmThe definition and history of change managementHYPERLINK http://www.change-management.com/tutorial-definition-history.htm. http://www.change-management.com/tutorial-definition-history.htm. Filicetti, John (August 20, 2007). HYPERLINK http://www.pmhut.com/pmo-and-project-management-dictionaryProject Management DictionaryHYPERLINK http://www.pmhut.com/pmo-and-project-management-dictionary Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, , R. Ph.D. Heifetz, D.Ph., 2000 (accessed 4 April, 2001), Corporate HagbergCulture/Organisational Culture: UnderJerryding and Assessment, Robbins S, Mukerji D (1994). Managing organisations. Prentice Hall of Australia, McPhersons Printing Group, Australia. Sergiovanni, T.J. (1984) Educational Leadership, Leadership and excellence in schooling, Volume 41, Number 5, United States of America, page 4-13 Kent State University 2000 (accessed 28thMarch, 2001), Kent State University Cultural Self-Study Internal Communication of Change By Dagmar Recklies Circling the Pyramid Building Lasting Commitment to Change  Ã‚   (pdf-file) by Edmond Mellina What Makes a Good Change Agent? by Dagmar Recklies The Role of the Change Master From Change Agent to HYPERLINK http://www.themanager.org/Strategy/Change Master.htmHYPERLINK http://www.themanager.org/Strategy/Change Master.htmChange MasterHYPERLINK http://www.themanager.org/Strategy/Change Master.htm By Ruth Tearle Managing Change Definition and Phases in Change Processes by Oliver Recklies Problems in Managing Change by Oliver Recklies AuditNet.org provides a downloadable PDF of change management best practices. Fred Nickols wrote HYPERLINK http://home.att.net/~nickols/change.htmHYPERLINK http://home.att.net/~nickols/change.htmChange Management 101: A Primer.HYPERLINK http://home.att.net/~nickols/change.htm SearchCRM.com provides resources on handling change management following a CRM upgrade. Neglecting your change control process can kill an IT disaster recovery plan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

PHOTOSHOP LAB REPORT :: essays research papers

1.) Objective of the lab:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The objective of this lab was to make a halftone negative of a small clipart. 2.) Facilities, supplies and equipment used:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We did this in the photo lab and in the dark room. To complete this lab we needed to have a working knowledge of the camera, developer, fix and a loop. 3.) Techniques employed:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To make film of a clipart several steps must be taken. First is to turn the copy board to be parallel to the floor. Then the glass front must be unlocked and lifted. The art is then placed in the center of the board next to a gray scale. After shutting and locking the glass front the copy board is then turned to be upright facing the shutter of the camera. The aperture should be set at an F-stop of 22 at %100. The next step takes place in the dark room on the other side of the process camera. You must position the transparent plate to be locked in front of the shutter. You then press the test button or switch to check the alignment of the art on the copy board. When aligned you open the transparent plate and use the vacuum to hold the film in position on the solid plate. You then close the solid plate and press the button that controls the timer for the shutter. This exposes the film to the light from the clipart and the gray scale. When the shutter closes you rem ove the film by turning off the vacuum. Then place the film in the developer until you can see the level 4 on the gray scale. This is the desired development of the film. When there you place the film in the stop solution. After a minute or so in there you place the film in the fix. This removes all the remaining silver from the film.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Students Comments on Habitat for Humanity Websites :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

A Student's Comments on Habitat for Humanity Websites While sitting in my dorm room watching a DVD, I looked around and suddenly realized how lucky I was. I lived in a decent sized room with lighting and air conditioning that I could adjust to make myself comfortable. Then I thought how even more lucky I was to be able to go home too yet a nicer living facility at my own house that I have to share with nobody but my immediate family. It made me begin to wonder how many people there are that do not possess this luxury. That is when I thought of Habitat for Humanity. The only thing that I knew about it was that they built homes for underprivileged families with inadequate shelter. I wanted to see though exactly how this specific organization made a difference in peoples lives. Hopefully my research will enlighten my readers of the living situations of many families around the world, maybe even convincing some to volunteer themselves. Habitat for Humanity is a nondenominational and nonprofit Christian organization(Habitat for Humanity International). It is involved in the manufacturing and building of houses for those in need of an adequate shelter. Habitat for Humanity was established in 1976 and since, has built more than 150,000 attainable, sturdy houses in over 89 different countries(Habitat for Humanity International). This is a very impressive statistic considering all the political and economic issues that are going on in today’s world. No matter where the home is being built across the globe there are three factors that give those in need access to an affordable home like these(Habitat for Humanity International). The website states that the first attribute of a successful and complete home is that homeowners are able to buy their new house at no profit with no interest charged on the mortgage. Secondly, it states that there are trained professionals there to supervise the volunteers and homeowners in building each home. Finally, financial support is provided to the organization by individuals, corporations, faith groups, and others. These three elements contribute equally to the success of Habitat for Humanity (Habitat for Humanity International). Habitat for Humanity has branches that are building right now in towns, cities, and countries all across the earth.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Commenting on “Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder” Gavin I. Langmuir wrote “Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder”

Commenting on â€Å"Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder† Gavin I. Langmuir wrote â€Å"Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder,† which was published in Speculum’s October 1984 issue. In this article Langmuir discusses Thomas of Monmouth’s investigation of St. William of Norwich’s death, and accusations of ritual murder brought against Jews. Langmuir starts the article with some background information on â€Å"The Life and Passion of Saint William the Martyr of Norwich,† written by Thomas of Monmouth.He then makes his thesis statement: â€Å"Williams’s death had occasioned the first of the connected series of accusations from the twelfth to twentieth century that Jews committed ritual murder. † (Langmuir, Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder, 821) Langmuir’s argument is that Thomas of Monmouth’s book is the modern inception of the myth that Jews commit ritual murder to reenact the crucifixio n of Jesus Christ. Since the accusation of ritual murder was also present in antiquity, Langmuir attempts to prove disconnect between Norwich and those prior myths.He also goes into detail about William’s murder, then Monmouth’s investigation and writings. He convincingly argues that Monmouth had allot to gain both in this world and the next by reporting William’s killing as a ritual murder preformed by Jews. Simply stated, Monmouth saw what he wanted to while investigating the crime. Langmuir uses a broad range of sources in his attempt to prove that the accusation at Norwich was not connected to the two accusations in antiquity. In this attempt he most frequently cites two works by Heinz Schreckenberg. He also cites over ten other authors while bringing this point home.On the other hand Langmuir’s argument of Monmouth’s motivation for creating the myth burrows deeply into a limited body of material, mostly Monmouth’s book itself. He also u ses two other sources when discussing Theobald, and only cites Miracles and Pilgrims by Finucane other than that. In the middle ages people saw Satan as an active force in the world. St. Gregory of Nyssa said when speaking of the Jews, that they were â€Å"confederates of the devil. † (Perry & Schweitzer, Antisemitism, 75) Chrysostom called Jews â€Å"inveterate murders, destroyers, men possessed by the devil. (Perry & Schweitzer, Antisemitism, 75) John (8:44) states in regard to Jews â€Å"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. † (Perry & Schweitzer, Antisemitism, 75)Not only were the people of the middle ages on the lookout for the devil, but their church was telling them that Jews were acting as his agents. This set up Jews as an easy scapegoat, and allowed for the creation of the ritual murder myth. In the case of William, Monmouth who was a monk had been predisposed to the notion that Jews were evil. In the gospels rendition as interpreted for centuries, the Jews are perceived as ‘the Christ killers,’ a people condemned forever to suffer exile and degradation. This arch crime of ‘decide,’ of murdering God, turned the Jews into the embodiment of evil, a ‘criminal people. ’† (Perry & Schweitzer, Antisemitism, 18)With this view it only makes sense that Monmouth would look to blame Jews for the boy’s murder, when murdering a boy is exactly something an evil criminal would do. It also makes sense that at the first sign of anything even resembling a crucifixion he would point to Jews, because according to the gospels they had done it before.In 1095 Pope Urban II began the first crusade when he called for â€Å"a religious military crusade to liberate the holiest places in Christendom. † (Laquer, The Changing Face of Antisemitism, 52) Many Jews were slaughtered during this crusade for various reasons. One reason was that the crusaders were to ld â€Å"anyone who killed a single Jew would have all his sins absolved. † (Laquer, The Changing Face of Antisemitism, 52) Authority figures were telling people that Jews are so evil that not only is murdering them OK, but it will even make up for anything wrong they had ever done.This was only fifty years before the incident at Norwich. With that mentality is only serves to reason that when the ordinary unnamed people were presented with Jews as ritual murders, it would be believable to them. In the Article on the top of page 822 Langmuir asks â€Å"who first accused Jews of crucifying a Christian child out of religious hatred? † Langmuir argues that there is not enough evidence to prove who killed William, or why. He does think there is enough evidence to establish that the enduring accusation of ritual murder began with William’s death. We know for certain that Monmouth accused Jews of ritual murder.Langmuir then works backwards from that point to prove that it was the first modern accusation of its kind. Langmuir starts with the first known accusation of ritual murder in recorded history. He discusses how in ancient Greece a story circulated that said â€Å"every seven years the Jews captured a Greek, fattened him up, killed him, and ate parts of him. † (Langmuir, Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder, 823) He goes on to say that while the story did appear in â€Å"Against Apion,† the book was rare. He details why the book was rare, and does his best to prove a complete discontinuity between this accusation and Monmouth’s.Langmuir then writes about â€Å"The second and only other relevant accusation against Jews in antiquity. † (Langmuir, Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder, 825) He tells the story of how in approximately the year 415, in the city of Imestar, Jews were accused of taking a Christian boy, tying him to a cross, and beating him until he died. Langmuir argues that while the sto ry did appear in â€Å"Historia Tripartita† only two copies were available in England, and that those copies date from the late twelfth or early thirteenth century, after the incident at Norwich.He also argues that â€Å"those who borrowed from ‘Historia Tripartia’ did so sparingly and most selectively, and the Imestar incident did not interest them. † Again Langmuir proves disconnect between the two incidents. Assuming that these are the only two accusations ever made prior to Norwich, then yes Langmuir answers the Question from the top of page 822. In this article Langmuir’s argument is persuasively supported, but he does not discuss the possibility of ritual murder stories being passed down orally. He also did not look at the possibility of books containing ritual murder accusations that may have been lost to history.For all we know Monmouth may have had a book that no longer exists detailing the accusations from antiquity or accusations we donâ €™t even know about. He is probably right in his conclusion that the incident at Norwich is the first modern accusation brought against Jews, but we cannot be sure. At times Langmuir calls into question other historians work, and makes convincing arguments as to why he thinks there wrong. He wrote referring to M. R. James belief that Monmouth’s book was written in 1172 or 1173 â€Å"there are several indications that the work was not all written at one time. (Langmuir, Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder, 838) Langmuir did address other historians work on the subject, but sense he was the first person to propose that this was the first modern accusation of ritual murder, there were no other competing theories. I found this article to be very well organized, it laid out information in way that made it easy to understand. I really thought it was a good read, and enjoyed reading it. Langmuir was both interesting and informative. I would recommend this article to a nyone interested in this period in history.